Founder Message maharishi-india

Maharishi In World Today

The effect of the Government of Natural Law will be to raise the administration of existing governments through national law to the dignity of Global Administration through Natural Law.

In the context of the Absolute Theory of Government it is enough to mention the ideal of government available in the Global Government of Natural Law. However, it is necessary to mention that the relationship of the government of every country with Maharishi’s Global Government of Natural Law will be so elevating and nourishing to every government in the world that every Head of State will enjoy the full support of Natural Law, and his government will enjoy the ability to prevent problems and will substantiate the new definition of government provided by Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Government.

Maharishi’s practical Program is to quietly establish life according to Natural Law without requiring change in any area of the existing administration, which is based on the national constitution of the country.

This global initiative to irrevocably change the course of time in favor of peace and happiness for all mankind places Maharishi on a most supremely exalted level of rulership, which far surpasses the wisdom or administrative skill of any sovereign ruler in the world that history has ever recorded.

The establishment of Maharishi’s Global Administration through Natural Law, and subsequently the Maharishi's establishment of the Global Country of World Peace on 7 October 2000, will lead the administrative quality of every government in the direction of perfection so that every government functions on a par with the absolute administration of the universe, the Government of Nature, which is universally nourishing to all life.

Rk Veda places this supreme skill of leadership in the hands of Brahm, the Ultimate Reality: Yatinam Brahma bhavati sarathih (Rk Veda, 1.158.6) Brahma, the total potential of pure knowledge and its infinite organizing power—the lively Constitution of the Universe, Natural Law—becomes the charioteer of all activity.

Rk Veda assigns supreme rulership to that self-referral quality of consciousness, the total potential of Natural Law—Brahm.

The total potential of Natural Law conducts the activity of those who have identified their in intelligence with the infinite organizing power of pure intelligence at the level of self-referral consciousness.

Every custodian of Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Government will have access to this enormous intelligence and power in his own self- referral consciousness—in his own Transcendental Consciousness—in his own physiology.

Rk Veda, the Constitution of the Universe, will be enlivened in the heart of everyone, and, through a group of Yogic Flyers, an indomitable influence of harmony and peace will be generated in national consciousness which will influence the whole collective consciousness of the world. Indomitable Maharishi Effect—positivity and harmony—will be maintained in world consciousness, generation after generation.

One wonders whether there could be a greater ruling intelligence than the one that is available in the world today in the form of Maharishi, who is making life on earth heavenly, and who is making Heaven on Earth a reality.