Inaugurating Towers of Invincibility in forty-eight countries on 12th January to bring Enlightenment to every individual and Invincibility to every nation.
On 9 January 2008, having heard from twenty-seven Rajas that many times the required number of Yogic Flyers have been trained to create perpetual Invincibility for the whole world; and having also heard the news as documented in the world press about the irrevocable transformation in world consciousness— greater harmony, positivity, and progress in all areas of life—His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi expressed the following wish:
‘What I would like, somewhere, anywhere, is a perpetual memorial for Invincibility. We have the honour of creating this Invincibility for the world, and we want to make a perpetual shrine for the world— A Kriya Shakti—the principle of total dynamism embedded in total silence—Gyan Shakti, Total Knowledge—Veda. a place of pilgrimage in the world. Today, the record shows that the world has been transformed to Invincibility, and we should think of a memorial. I found just now that my work is done. On 12th January we would like to create a memorial for an invincible world.’
Maharishi explained that in these forty-eight Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar to be built in India, Vedic Pundits will maintain coherence in world consciousness through their daily performance of Yagya and Yogic Flying; and he connected this with the establishment of the Towers of Invincibility around the world. Maharishi asked:‘Where should we build them? Where do we want to have them—the Invincible Towers of the world? I want to put to the Rajas that I would like a gift of having achieved the goal. The history of the world will never be the same. See if I deserve that, and where we would like to have such a memorial of the great task that the world will never be the same old suffering world. I wanted a gift. I think I have completed what I have ever done—and I am very sensitive about it. I am making an appeal to the Rajas—do it in the name of Guru Dev. We would want to associate success with Guru Dev and Guru Dev with the twelve Jyotir Linga. Rajas, think for five minutes if you would give me a favour.’
The Rajas resolved to create the most magnificent memorials as a gift to Maharishi. Beautiful suggestions for a suitable memorial came out, ranging from the perpetual shrine in the heart of everyone lit by the Grace of Guru Dev and the realisation of higher consciousness, to the creation of glorious Towers of Invincibility, to the practical implementation of Maharishi’s programmes in every area of life in every country to create Heaven on Earth. Having heard these suggestions, Maharishi said:‘When the Rajas are getting ready to give me the favour, I would suggest to make this a Tower of Invincibility—make it a place of knowledge. Jyotish is that knowledge that can really secure all possible invincible structures. Make it a lively place of knowledge. Jyotish should be vibrant there. We should see how many countries we can select—forty-eight—because the Tower of Invincibility is for the world to never come back to that level of suffering. It can only be a place of highly reverberating knowledge—and knowledge of Jyotish is that knowledge that will absolutely secure this for all times.’
Maharishi added that it should not just be a tower to be seen, but a home of Jyotish and Vedic Mathematics—all the twelve fields of knowledge: Education, Health, Agriculture, Trade and Commerce, Defence, Science and Technology, Communication, Religion and Culture, Administration, Law and Order, and Finance and Planning. ‘Now, select the countries, and building will be no problem,’ Maharishi said. Maharishi explained that the Maharishi Towers of Invincibility will be the representations of the twelve Jyotir Lingas in India, which express the full value of Shiva, pure Cosmic Intelligence, the Constitution of the Universe, the point where the Grace of Guru Dev is most lively to bless all mankind. These will also be where people practice their Yogic Flying for national Invincibility in each country.‘It will be a place,’ Maharishi said, ‘that will not allow world consciousness to be deviated any more in any sense and Jyotish is that point. Have it as a university—a place of learning.’
Maharishi pointed out this is going to be a shrine of knowledge where courses will be held that will be attended by many people. ‘This will really be the best form of an Invincibility memorial.’ Courses on Jyotish, Vedic Mathematics, Sthaptaya Veda, Vedic Agriculture, Vedic Health Care, and all areas of Maharishi’s Vedic Science will be offered. Maharishi said that this will secure Invincibility for the world and that we will do it simultaneously in forty-eight countries now, and all 192 as soon as possible:
‘On 12 January we will raise the flag of Invincibility and lay the Foundation Stone for the Tower of Invincibility…. If we have a place of light, we would have done for all future of the world. Today, we celebrate the present world, and tomorrow a Temple of Invincibility.’
‘Whatever number of people are there, we will put them to practice Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying in a group. We will make them secure in that knowledge which will secure Invincibility and Enlightenment in everyone’s life.’