Founder Message maharishi-india


‘Unfathomable is the field of life, and always unfathomable is the field of life. It got entered in the Indian civilization and spread as cultures of the world in such a vast spread manner that the whole thing is unfathomable.

‘It’s such a joy to say that when we are seeing the administration of the universe is becoming a living reality for all the future generations, then we wanted to point out from where this is happening. This is happening from everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, really everywhere. It’s not one individual doing; it’s the big I that is doing. I have a deep sense of awakening when I am searching from where all this was happening. Why the world should be grateful for laying the foundation for eternal Invincibility in life— The answer to the “why” is because life is like that. No reason. No reason. Because the nature of life is like that. And the nature of the Guide we got, Guru Dev. We got that “flood of wisdom” we call it, or whatever we call it. We got that wide-open sunshine from where this is going to be operated for all future times. So this Brahmanand Saraswati Trust: Brahmanand of course is obvious. Saraswati is the flow. Brahmanand Saraswati—flow of knowledge, flow of knowledge.

‘It’s a beautiful joy for me to reflect on my past, present, and future, and future of the world. So give expression to it, Dr. Hagelin. Give expression to this unbounded field of intelligence wherein the script is conducting from there the affairs of the world. And that is the role of silence from where Raja Adhiraj Raamji will be automatically establishing the reigning of activity in life everywhere throughout the world. It’s a great, great work that has developed, that a few people Yogic Flying and the world will be spontaneously in terms of harmony—harmony in the world, harmony in the world. Throughout the globe there will be no ups and downs. The world will ever be in peace, harmony, happiness, invincibility. All Glory to Guru Dev. No end to these waves of bliss.

‘So we hear from the great speaker who can speak Totality, who can speak Totality. It’s such a joy to hear the invincible ruler of America. It’s a great thing. . . .[Raja Dr John Hagelin then spoke on the Unified Field of Natural Law as the source of Silent Administration of the universe.]

Maharishi then concluded, addressing the Prime Minister and the Congress of Rajas and Ministers of the Global Country of World Peace: ‘Ask all other countries to embark upon creating the invincible character, invincible Tower of Invincibility, to have the memory of this transformation of the world for all future of mankind. Complete your programme of the day. Invite all the Rajas to be together, together, together, and again assign them what they are designed to be in their activity. So finish your programming for the memorial [Towers]. Jai Guru Dev.’

On 12 January Maharishi inaugurated the Year of Invincibility—Global Raam Raj. In an historic ceremony the Flag of Invincibility of the Global Country of World Peace was raised in over one hundred countries at twelve noon, and the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility was inaugurated with ground-breaking ceremonies in forty-eight of the most affluent nations, with a commitment to build them in all 192 countries. The grand twelve story Maharishi Tower of Invincibility will serve as a lighthouse of Invincibility for every nation, and a perpetual memorial to the over fifty years of unprecedented achievements of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in creating the unshakeable foundation for an invincible world. The inaugurations were held in the name of Maharishi’s Master, Shri Guru Dev, Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, whose Total Knowledge Maharishi has brought to the world. The Maharishi Towers of Invincibility will be connected to the forty-eight centres of Total Knowledge—Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar—that are now under construction in India. It is here that Maharishi Vedic Pundits will maintain coherence in world consciousness through their daily performance of Maharishi’s Technologies of Consciousness and Yagya.

During the celebation of this holy day, Maharishi reflected on the structure of Silent Administration of the Global Country of World Peace, and said: ‘Prime Minister, you were explaining to the world the present state of affairs as far as the structure and duty to it to be done. Continue on that point. It’s a beautiful point; it’s a beautiful point. All values will always continue to prevail. Out of that, the administation short out other valuaes which are not necessary. Prime Minister, explain to them—you have expressed it beautifully what world we are leaving behind.’

In the evening, during a grand celebration of bagpipe playing and fireworks in the gardens of MERU, Holland, Maharishi established the Brahma-Sthan, centre of India, as the World Capital of Raam Raj— the silent seat of the administrative power of the Global Country of World Peace. There, 16,000 Vedic Pundits will enliven silence to reign on earth, through their performance of Yoga, Graha Shanti, Yagya, and Ati Rudra Abhishek:‘From today the world should know that it is the global seat of Raam Raj. . . . In the long millennium history of the world, today was a day when the Capital of Raam Raj was established. Capital of Raam Raj will be maintained through Yagyas and through exhibitions, great exhibitions of knowledge. Exhibitions of knowledge, these are the pieces of knowledge that maintain the environment of the Capital, and the Capital will be in the seat of silence of Raja Raam. . . a place from where the Administration of Brahm will be issued and continue to bless the world all the time. . . . Raam Brahm paramarath rupa. Raam Raj dukh kahu na vyapa.’

Jai Guru Dev

Maharishi Vedic Vishwa Prashasanam Vijyantetram