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Maharishi's Programmes

Research on Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health

Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health is the most ancient and scientific system of natural medicine, using a variety of approaches that simultaneously influence mind, physiology, behavior, and environment to maintain perfect health and promote longevity.

Recent Breakthrough Findings Pertaining to the
Techniques of Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health

The American Heart Association Journal reports: “People with high blood pressure may want to medicate and meditate”

“Results published in today’s issue of the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, showed that the Transcendental Meditation technique significantly lowered blood pressure in older African American men and women who were at high risk for five major risk factor groups.” (August 5, 1996)

Related Artilces:

“Meditation May Help Treat Heart Disease” by Caitlin Kelly © 1996 Medical Tribune News Service (May 17, 1996)

Transcendental Meditation Improves Exercise Tolerance in CAD Patients” Reuters Health Information Services, Inc. (May 20, 1996)

American Heart Association Journal publishes a new study on stress-reduction and hypertension in an inner city, older population. (August 5, 1996)

Research shows Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation can cut the cost of hypertension treatment: A new study in American Journal of Managed Care indicates savings of up to 75 percent of the cost of commonly used antihypertensive drugs (May 1, 1996)

“Can the Transcendental Meditation Program Reduce Health Care Costs?” A new study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion suggests technique may offer help in cutting spiraling U.S. health bill. (January 19, 1996)

Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation is found effective in the treatment of hypertension and in reducing stress-related hormones: The American Heart Association’s journal, Hypertension, publishes study on stress reduction techniques in elderly African Americans. (November 2, 1995)

Bibliography of over 100 scientific studies
on Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health


as of March 30, 1995


Arenander, A. T. (1987). Increases in EEG Coherence With Ayurvedic Shirodara Treatment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine.

Arnold, J. T., B.P. Wilkinson, Korytynski, E. A., & Steele, V. E. (1991). Chemopreventive Activity of Maharishi Amrit Kalash and Related Agents in Rat Tracheal Epithelial and Human Tumor Cells. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, 32(May 15-18, Abstract 767), 128.

Ayrapetyan, S. (1991). Low Threshold Membrane Mechanisms as a Universal Protective Reaction for Cells -- Role of MAK. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Bauhofer, U., Davies, L., Van den Berg, W. P., & Janssen, G. W. (1988). Application of Maharishi Ayur-Ved in Infection With the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) -- Case Reports. Presented at the Fourth International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden.

Blasdell, K. S., Sharma, H. M., Tomlinson, P. F., Jr., & Wallace, R. K. (1991). Subjective Survey, Blood Chemistry, and Complete Blood Profile of Subjects Taking Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK). Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 5(5, Abstract 5489.), A1317.

Blasdell, K. S., & Tomlinson, P. F., Jr. (1991). Free Radical Scavenging Properties of MAK and Evidence from Self-reports and Blood Chemistry for Non-toxicity in Humans. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Bondy, S., Hernandez, T. M., & Mattia, C. (1994). Antioxidant Properties of Two Ayurvedic Herbal Preparations. Biochemical Archives, 10, 25-31.

Carr, T. (1991). Medicine at the mind-body interface: The approach of Maharishi Ayur-Ved. International Clinical Review, 11(4).

Chandler, H. M., Glaser, J. L., Orme-Johnson, D. W., & Dillbeck, M. C. (1987). Effects of the Maharishi Ayur-Veda Panchakarma Program on Intelligence, Memory, Alertness, and Psychomotor Speed. Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Chicago, Illinois, June 23.

Dileepan, K. N., Patel, V., Sharma, H. M., & Stechschulte, D. J. (1990). Priming of Splenic Lymphocytes After Ingestion of an Ayurvedic Herbal Food Supplement: Evidence for an Immunomodulatory Effect. Biochemical Archives, 6, 267-274.

Dileepan, K. N., Varghese, S. T., Page, J. C., & Stechschulte, D. J. (1993). Enhanced Lymphoproliferative Response, Macrophage Mediated Tumor Cell Killing and Nitric Oxide Production after Ingestion of an Ayurvedic Drug. Biochemical Archives, 9, 365-374.

Dogra, J., Grover, N., Kumar, P., & Aneja, N. (1994). Indigenous Free Radical Scavenger MAK 4 and 5 in Angina Pectoris. Is It Only a Placebo? Journal of Association of Physicians of India, 42(6), 466-467.

Dwivedi, C. (1991). Inhibitory Effects of Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK) 4 & 5 on Microsomal Lipid Peroxidation in Vitro. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Dwivedi, C., Satter, B. C., & Sharma, H. M. (1988). Anticarcinogenic Activity of an Ayurvedic Food Supplement, Maharishi Amrit Kalash (AK). The Pharmacologist. Proceedings of the 1988 Conference of the American Physiological Society/American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Montreal, Canada., 30(October 9-13), A121, Abstract 86.1.

Dwivedi, C., Sharma, H. M., Dobrowski, S., & Engineer, F. N. (1991). Inhibitory Effects of Maharishi-4 and Maharishi-5 on Microsomal Lipid Peroxidation. Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior, 39(3, July), 649-652.

Ellmann, W. (1991). Clinical Experience in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis With Maharishi Ayurveda Techniques. Proceedings of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(1), 7.

Engineer, F. N., Sharma, H. M., & Dwivedi, C. (1992). Protective Effects of M-4 and M-5 on adriamycin-induced microsomal lipid peroxidation and mortality. Biochemical Archives, 8, 267-272.

Fields, J. Z. (1991). Anti-oxidant and Anti-aging Effects of Maharishi Amrit Kalash. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Fields, J. Z., Eftekhari, E., Hagen, J. F., Wichlinski, L. J., & Schneider, R. H. (1991). Anti-Aging and Oxygen Free Radical (OFR) Scavenging Effects of an Anti-Carcinogenic Natural Product, Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK). Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 5(5, March 15), Abstract 7926.

Fields, J. Z., Rawal, P. A., Hagen, J. F., Ing, T., Wallace, R. K., Tomlinson, P. F., & Schneider, R. H. (1990). Oxygen Free Radical (OFR) Scavenging Effects of an Anti-Carcinogenic Natural Product, Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK). The Pharmacologist, 32(3), 155. Abstract 74; 208.

Fields, J. Z., Rawal, P. A., Hagen, J. F., Ing, T., Wallace, R. K., Tomlinson, P. F., & Schneider, R. H. (1990). Oxygen Free Radical (OFR) Scavenging Effects of an Anti-Carcinogenic Natural Product, Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK). Annual Meeting of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Wisconsin(August 12-16), Abstract.

Fields, J. Z., Schneider, R. H., Wichlinski, L., & J. Hagen (, 1. (1990). Anti-Aging Effect of a Natural Product, Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK). Conference on Antioxidants and Degenerative Diseases, Berkeley, California. Satellite Meeting of the International Society for Free Radical Reseach.(January 26-27, 1990).

Gelderloos, P., Ahlstrom, H. H. B., Orme-Johnson, D. W., Robinson, D. K., Wallace, R. K., & Glaser, J. L. (1990). Influence of a Maharishi Ayur-Vedic Herbal Preparation on Age-Related Visual Discrimination. International Journal of Psychosomatics, 37(1-4), 25-29.

Glaser, J. L. (1988). Maharishi Ayurveda: An Introduction to Recent Research. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 2(1, Spring), 89-108.

Glaser, J. L. (1991). Human Studies With Maharishi Ayur-Veda Techniques and Herbal Preparations. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Glaser, J. L., & al. (1988). Reduction of Diastolic Blood Pressure Using the Maharishi Ayurveda Primordial Sound Technique. American Heart Association, 61st Scientific Session(November), Abstract.

Glaser, J. L., & Moriarty, T. (1991). Prospective Study of Health Improvements in Users of Maharishi Amrit Kalash 5. Proceedings of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(1, June 8-9, San Diego), 4.

Glaser, J. L., Robinson, D. K., & Wallace, R. K. (1987). Effect of Maharishi Amrit Kalash on Allergies. Presented at the meeting of the American Asssociation of Ayurvedic Medicine, Lancaster, Massachusetts.

Glaser, J. L., Robinson, D. K., & Wallace, R. K. (1991). Improvement in Seasonal Respiratory Allergy With Maharishi Amrit Kalash 5, an Ayurvedic Herbal Immunomodulator. Proceedings of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(1), 6.

Glaser, J. L., & Tomlinson, P. (1991). Correlation of Subjective Preferences, Cognitive Styles, and Behavior With Physiognomy According to Principles of Maharishi Ayurveda Tridosha Theory. Proceedings of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(1), 8.

Glaser, J. L., & Zisman, S. (1991). Adjunctive Therapy of Psychological and Stress-Related Complications of HIV Disorders Using Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Ayurveda. Proceedings of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(1), 3.

Gurlee, P. G., Gustavson, J., Keely, M., Wronskie-Bodier, C., & Glaser, J. L. (1991). Clinical Effect of Maharishi Amrit Kalash 4 and 5 Herbal Preparations in the Rehabilitation of Late Neurological Deficits Following Head Injury. Proceedings of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(1), 1.

Hanissian, S. H., Sharma, H. M., & Tejwani, G. A. (1988). Effect of Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK) on Brain Opioid Receptors. Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 2(4, March 15), A433. Abstract 802.

Hanna, A. N., Kauffman, E. M., Newman, H. A. I., & Sharma, H. M. (1995). Prevention of Oxidant Stress by Student Rasayana. In "Free Radicals in Diagnostic Medicine: A Systems Approach to Laboratory Technologies, Clinical Correlations, and Antioxidant Therapy.". New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press.

Hanna, A. N., Sharma, H. M., M., K. E., & I., N. H. A. (1994). In vitro and in vivo inhibition of microsomal lipid peroxidation by MA-631. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 48(2), 505-510.

Hauser, T., Walton, K. G., Glaser, J., & Wallace, R. K. (1987). Maharishi Amrit Kalash Inhibits Imiprimine Binding. Presented at the meeting of the American Association of Ayur-Veda Medicine, Lancaster, Massachusetts.

xHauser, T., Walton, K. G., Glaser, J., & Wallace, R. K. (1988). Naturally Occurring Ligand Inhibits Binding of [3H]-Imipramine to High Affinity Receptors. Society for Neuroscience, 18th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 14(November 14), 244. Abstract 99.19.

Janssen, G. W. H. M. (1989). The Application of Maharishi Ayur-Veda in the Treatment of Ten Chronic Diseases -- a Pilot Study. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Integrale Geneeskunde, 5, 586-594.

Johnston, B. (1991). Chemotherapeutic Effects of MAK 5 on Mouse Papilloma. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Johnston, B. H. (1991). Using the Glycophorin A Assay to Search for Effects of MAK 4 & 5 on Human Mutation Levels. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Johnston, B. H., Mirsalis, J., & Hamilton, C. (1991). Chemotherapeutic Effects of an Ayur-Vedic Herbal Supplement on Mouse Papilloma. The Pharmacologist, 3(3), 39.

Kauffman, E. M., Hanna, A. N., Newman, H. A. I., & Sharma, H. M. (1993). In-vitro and In-vivo Free Radial Scavenging Effects of the Maharishi Ayur-Veda Herbal Compound Student Rasayana. FASEB Journal, 7(3), A347.

Lee, J. Y., Lott, J. A., & Sharma, H. M. (1995). Biochemical Changes Induced by Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK-4) in Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits. In "Free Radicals in Diagnostic Medicine: A Systems Approach to Laboratory Technologies, Clinical Correlations, and Antioxidant Therapy.". New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press.

Mills, P. J., Schneider, R. H., & Dimsdale, J. E. (1989). Anger assessment and reactivity to stress. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 33(3), 379-382.

Mirsalis, J. (1991). Modulation of Genetic Damage by MAK and Other Dietary Components. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Misra, N. C., Sharma, H. M., Chaturvedi, A., Ramakant, S. M., Natu, J., Bogra, S. S., Vimla, D., & Kakkar, V. P. (1994). Antioxidant Adjuvant Therapy Using a Natural Herbal Mixture MAK During Intensive Chemotherapy: Reduction in Toxicity -- A Prospective Study of 62 Patients. In XVI International Cancer Congress 1994, October 30 - November 5, Abstract Book-1 (pp. 287-288). New Delhi, India: Nader,

T. A., Buehe, D., & Newberne, P. (1987). Ayurvedic Rasayana Protects Against Kidney and Liver Damage in Rats Fed a Low Lipotrope, High Fat Diet. Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 46(3), 959, Abstract 3747.

Nader, T. A., Neuberne, P., Schneider, G., Bueche, D., & Wuerzner, P. (1987). Maharishi Ayurvedic Rasayana: Its Safety and Effectiveness in Animal Models of Diet Induced Tissue Damage, in Brain Lesions, and in Chemically Induced Cancer Lesions. Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, University of Illinois, Chicago.

Nadkarni, A. K. (1954). Indian Materia Medica. Bombay, India: Popular Prakashan Private Ltd.

Nidich, S. I., Morehead, P., Nidich, R. J., Sands, D., & Sharma, H. (1993). The effect of Maharishi Student Rasayana food supplement on non-verbal intelligence. Personality and individual Differences, 15(5), 599-602.

Nidich, S. I., Smith, D.E., Sands, D., Sharma, H.M., Nidich, R.J., Barnes, V. and Jossang, S. "Effect of Maharishi Ayur-Ved Panchakarma Purification Program on Speed of Processing Ability."

Niwa, Y. (1989). Variety of Oxidative Disorders Induced by Oxygen Radicals in Modern Polluted Environments and Marked Anti-Oxidant Activity Demonstrated in Maharishi Amrit Kalash. Presented at the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Moscow, September 11, 1989, and the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, September 18, 1989.

Niwa, Y. (1991). Effect of Maharishi 4 and Maharishi 5 on Inflammatory Mediators -- With Special Reference to Their Free Radical Scavenging Effect. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 1(8), 23-27.

Panganamala, R. V., & Sharma, H. M. (1991). Antioxidant and Antiplatelet Properties of Maharishi Amrit Kalash (M-4) in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, International Atherosclerosis Society, Rosemont, Illinois, October 6-11, 1991, 188. Abstracts 110 and 111.

Patel, V., Dileepan, K. N., Stechschulte, D. J., & Sharma, H. (1988). Enhancement of Lymphoproliferative Responses by Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK) in Rats. Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 2(5), Abstract 4740.

Patel, V., Wang, J., Shen, R. N., Brahmi, Z., & Sharma, H. (1990). Reduction of Mouse Lewis Lung Carcinoma (LLC) by M-4 Rasayana in Mice. Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 4(3), A637. Abstract 2151.

Patel, V. K., Wang, J., Shen, R. N., Sharma, H. M., & Brahmi, Z. (1992). Reduction of Metastases of Lewis Lung Carcinoma by an Ayurvedic Food Supplement in Mice. Nutrition Research, 12, 51-61.

Prasad, K. N. (1991). Differentiation of Neuroblastoma Cells in Culture by an Extract of Maharishi Amrit Kalash Ambrosia. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Prasad, K. N., Edwards-Prasad, J., Kenrotti, S., Brodie, C., & Vernadakis, A. (1990). Extract of Maharishi Amrit Kalash-5, an Ayurvedic Herbal Preparation, Induces Differentiation in Neuroblastoma Cells in Culture. Eigth Biennial Meeting; International Society for Developmental Neuroscience. Florida.

Prasad, K. N., Edwards-Prasad, J., Kentroti, S., Brodie, C., & Vernadakis, A. (1992). Ayurvedic (Science of Life) Agents Induce Differentiation in Murine Neuroblastoma Cells in Culture. Neuropharmacology, 31(6), 599-607.

Rajalakshmi, S., & Sharma, R. K. (1992). Effect of Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK-4) on mRNAs Coding for Hepatic Glycosyltransferases in the Rat. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, 33, 13. Abstract 75.

Rigby, B. R. (1988). New Perspectives in Medical Practice: The Psychophysiological Approach of Maharishi Ayurveda. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 2(1), 77-87.

Robbins, K. X. The Indian and Nepalese collections of the Welcome Institute for the history of medicine. Bulletin for the Indian Institute for the History of Medicine, 17, 108-129.

Rudd, C. (1991). Use of a Mouse Epidermal Cell Line (JB6) To Identify Potential Chemopreventive Agents. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of MAK and Other Modalities of Maharishi Ayur-Veda. January 4 & 5, 1991. Stanford Research Institute International, Menlo Park, California.

Salerno, J. W., & Smith, D. E. (1989). Topical Application of Sesame Oil and In Vitro Inhibition of Human Colon Cancer Cells. The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science, 96(1), A30.

Salerno, J. W., & Smith, D. E. (1991). The Use of Sesame Oil and Other Vegetable Oils in the Inhibition of Human Colon Cancer Growth in Vitro. Anti-Cancer Research, 11, 209-216.

Schneider, R., Cavanaugh, W., & Boncheff, S. (1986). Cost reductions through better health. Business and Health(November), 39-42.

Schneider, R., Egan, B. M., Johnson, E. H., Drobny, H., & Julius, S. (1986). Anger and anxiety in borderline hypertension. Psychosomatic Medicine, 48(3/4), 242-248.

Schneider, R. H., Cavanaugh, K. L., Kasture, H. S., Rothenberg, S., Averbach, R., Robinson, D., & Wallace, R. K. (1990). Health Promotion With a Traditional System of Natural Health Care: Maharishi Ayur-Veda. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 5(3), 1-27.

Schneider, R. H., Kasture, H. S., Rothenberg, S., Averbach, R., Cavanaugh, K., Robinson, D., & Wallace, R. K. (1985). Improvements in Mental and Physical Health With the Maharishi Ayur-Veda Panchakarma Program. Presented at the Eighth World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine. Chicago, Illinois.

Schneider, R. H., Orme-Johnson, D., Kesterson, J., & Wallace, R. K. (1985). Physiological and Psychological Correlates of Maharishi Ayur-Veda Psychosomatic Types. Presented at the Eighth World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine.

Sharma, H. (1993). Freedom from Disease. Toronto: Veda Publishing.

Sharma, H., Guenther, J., Abu-Ghazaleh, A., & Dwivedi, C. (1994). Effects of Ayurvedic food supplement M-4 on cisplatin-induced changes in glutathione and glutathione-S-transferase activity. In XVI International Cancer Congress, . New Delhi, India, 30 Oct. - 5 Nov:

Sharma, H. M. Research Review on Maharishi Ayur Veda: A Comprehensive System of Natural Medicine. (Unpublished).

Sharma, H. M., & al. (1991). Maharishi Ayur-Veda: Modern Insights Into Ancient Medicine. Journal of the American Medical Association, 265(20), 2633-2637.

Sharma, H. M., Dillbeck, M. C., & Dillbeck, S. L. (1994). Implementation of the Transcendental Meditation Program and Maharishi Ayur-Veda to Prevent Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among Juveniles at Risk. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 11(3/4), 429-457.

Sharma, H. M., Dobrowski, S., Engineer, F., & Dwivedi, C. (1991). Inhibitory Effects of Maharishi Amrit Kalash (M-4) and Maharishi Amrit Kalash (M-5) on Microsomal Lipid Peroxidation in Vitro. Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 5(5), Abstract 5300.

Sharma, H. M., Dwivedi, C., Satter, B. C., & Abou-Issa, H. (1991). Antineoplastic Properties of Maharishi Amrit Kalash, an Ayurvedic Food Supplement, Against 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-Induced Mammary Tumors in Rats. The Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine, X(3), 1-8.

Sharma, H. M., Dwivedi, C., Satter, B. C., Gudehithlu, K. P., Abou-Issa, H., Malarkey, W., & Tejwani, G. A. (1990). Antineoplastic Properties of Maharishi-4 Against DMBA-Induced Mammary Tumors in Rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior, 35(4), 767-773.

Sharma, H. M., Engineer, F. N., & Dwivedi, C. (1992). Effects of M-4 and M-5 on Adriamycin-induced Lipid Peroxidation In Vitro. Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 6(4), Abstract A1343.

Sharma, H. M., Feng, Y., & Panganamala, R. V. (1989). Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK) Prevents Human Platelet Aggregation. Clinica & Terapia Cardiovascolare, 8(3), 227-230.

Sharma, H. M., Guenther, J., Abu-Ghazaleh, A., & Dwivedi, C. (1994). Effects of ayurvedic food supplement M -- 4 on cisplatin-induced changes in glutathlone and glutathlone-s-transferase activity. XVI International Cancer Congress 1994, New Delhi, India, October 30 - November 5, Abstract Book-1, 311.

Sharma, H. M., Hanissian, S., Rattan, A. K., Stern, S. L., & Tejwani, G. A. (1991). Effect of Maharishi Amrit Kalash on Brain Opioid Receptors and Neuropeptides. The Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine, X(1), 1-8.

Sharma, H. M., Hanna, A., Kauffman, E. M., & Newman, H. A. I. (1992). In-vitro inhibition of microsomal lipid peroxidation by MA-631, Student and Ladies Rasayana (SR & LR) and Maharishi Coffee Substitute (MCS). Pharmacologist, The, 34(3), 184.

Sharma, H. M., Hanna, A. N., Kauffman, E. M., & Newman, H. A. I. (1991). Inhibition In Vitro of Human LDL Oxidation by Maharishi Amrit Kalash (M-4 and M-5), Maharishi Coffee Substitute (MCS), and Men's Rasayana (MR). Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, International Atherosclerosis Society, Rosemont, Illinois, October 6-11, 1991, 188, Abstract 112.

Sharma, H. M., Hanna, A. N., Kauffman, E. M., & Newman, H. A. I. (1992). Inhibition of Human Low-Density Lipoprotein Oxidation In Vitro by Maharishi Ayur-Veda Herbal Mixtures. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 43(4), 1175-1182.

Sharma, H. M., Hanna, A. N., Kauffman, E. M., & Newman, H. A. I. (1995). Effect of Herbal Mixture Student Rasyana on Lipoxygenase Activity and Lipid Peroxidation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, (In press).

Sharma, H. M., Hanna, A. N., Titterington, L. C., Lubow, G. P., & Stephens, R. E. (1994). The Antioxidant Activity of Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK-4 and MAK-5) Estrogen and Vitamin C. Presented at Scientific Conference on Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Proliferation, American Heart Association, Orlando, Florida, February 23-26.

Sharma, H. M., Hanna, A. N., Titterington, L. C., & Stephens, R. E. (1995). Effect of MAK-4 and MAK-5 on Endothelial Cell and Soyabean Lipoxygenase-induced LDL Oxidation in "Free Radicals in Diagnostic Medicine: A Systems Approach to Laboratory Technologies, Clinical Correlations, and Antioxidant Therapy.". New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press.

Sharma, H. M., Krieger, J., & Dwivedi, C. (1990). Antineoplastic Properties of Dietary Maharishi-4 and Maharishi Amrit Kalash, Ayurvedic Food Supplements. European Journal of Pharmacology, 183(2), 193.

Sharma, H. M., Nidich, S. I., Sands, D., & Smith, D. E. (1993). Improvement in Cardiovascular Risk Factors Through Panchakarma Purification Procedures. The Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine, 12(4), 2-13.

Sharma, H. M., & Panganamala, R. V. (1988). Inhibition of Human Platelet Aggregation in Vitro by Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK). Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 2(4), A400. Abstract 606.

Sharma, H. M., Feng, Y., & Panganamala, R. V. (1988). Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK) Prevents Human Platelet Aggregation. Clinica & Terapia Cardiovascolare, 3, 227-230.

Sharma, H. M., Satter, B. C., & Dwivedi, C. (1988). Anticarcinogenic Activity of an Ayurvedic Food Supplement, M4. Proceedings of the 1988 Conference of theAmerican Physiological Society/American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Montreal, Canada, A121, Abstract 86.2.

Sharma, H. M., & Stephens, R. (1986). The Effect of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program on DNA Repair. Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, Abstract.

Sharma, P. V. (1983). Caraka Samhita (translation). Delhi: Chaukhambha, Orientalia.

Smith, D. E., & Salerno, J. W. (1992). A Model for Extraction of Both Lipid and Water Soluble Toxins Using a Procedure from Maharishi Ayurveda. Medical Hypotheses, 39, 1-5.

Smith, D. E., & Salerno, J. W. (1992). Selective Growth Inhibition of a Human Malignant Melanoma Cell Line by Sesame Oil In Vitro. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids, 46, 145-150.

Smith, D. E., & Stevens, M. M. (1988). Pilot Project: The Effects of a Sesame Oil Mouth Rinse on the Number of Oral Bacteria Colony Types. Paper presented at the Third Annual Scientific Meeting of the College of Health Professions, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas.

Stephens, R. E., Sharma, H. M., Kauffman, E. M., & Dudek, A. (1992). Effect of Different Sounds on Growth of Human Cancer Cell Lines In Vitro. Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 6(5), A1934. Abstract 5776.

Stevens, M. M., Cambell, J., Smith, D. E., How, M. V., Benton, S. H., & Bompurs, P. (1989). The Effects of a Sesame Oil Mouth Rinse on the Number of Oral Bacteria Colony Types. Presented at the Cleveland International Symposium on Dental Hygiene. Ottawa, Canada.

Stryker, T., & Wallace, R. K. (1985). Reduction in Biological Age Through an Ayur-Vedic Treatment Program. Presented at the International Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine. Chicago, Illinois.

Tomlinson, P. F., Jr., & Wallace, R. K. (1991). Superoxide Scavenging of Two Natural Products, Maharishi-4 (M-4) and Maharishi-5 (M-5). Journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, 5(5), Abstract 5301.

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Wallace, G. (1989). The Effect of Ayurvedic Herbal Preparations on HT-29 Human Colon Cancer Cells. The Iowa Science Science Fair.

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Vedic Health Care
Components of Vedic Health Care:
A New, More Complete and Perfect System of Health Care

40 Areas of Inner Intelligence of the Body
Discovery of Veda and Vedic Literature in Human Physiology
Instant Relief Programme
Hazards of Modern Medicine --
An Overview of Recent Scientific Research

Research on Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health