We have seen that the mind and body are intimately connected: the
improved condition of one brings about the improved condition of the
In the same way, a healthier, happier individual improves the quality
of his environment, and a better environment enriches the
Behaviour arises as a means to fulfil one’s needs; it is necessary that behaviour meets with success. Behaviour depends upon the ability to evaluate, which depends upon the ability to appreciate, which depends upon the quality of the mind and heart.
Transcendental Meditation spontaneously eliminates the most basic cause of all stress and strain, allowing the natural flow of more tender qualities of heart and mind.
Everyone lives his life through the cycles of routine work—whether he is a student, a working adult, or retired—the whole population is living life through routine work, and routine work in daily life does not provide an opportunity for the full expression of Creative Intelligence.
This lack of opportunity to display creativity causes frustration and becomes the basis of all antisocial behaviour.
Transcendental Meditation helps the awareness to transcend boundaries and go beyond the field of limitations.
This is how Transcendental Meditation—providing the opportunity to create unboundedness, infinity, eternity—satisfies the inner creativity and inner genius of life by providing an opportunity for the full expression of Creative Intelligence.
Ideal behaviour is based on the principle of giving. When two people meet with the intention of receiving, both wait to receive—nobody gives and no one receives.
In order to give, one must possess. One can give only from what one has. One radiates what one is, just as a fully lit bulb radiates maximum light.
Transcendental Meditation develops Bliss Consciousness—unbounded awareness—and provides the ground for maximum giving.
Transcendental Meditation fills the cup of life to overflowing. On this basis behaviour thrives and brings waves of increasing joyfulness.
Behaviour unites, The quality of the union or relationship depends upon the quality of those who are coming together.
Transcendental Meditation improves the quality of life of the individual and develops ideal social behaviour.
Behaviour is the expression of the inner quality of life, the inner quality of consciousness.
Acting from the level of unbounded awareness, developed through Transcendental Meditation, harmony dominates in our behaviour.
Behaviour is the expression of love. Love is the impulse of life.
Love arises more from a full heart and spreads softness and all good in our surroundings.
Scientific research has shown that those qualities of life which naturally enrich behaviour and make life more fruitful in every way develop through the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation.
Behaviour is reciprocal. The universe reacts to individual action: ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’
Through every thought, word, and action, we are producing influences that affect our surroundings.
Physics explains that everything in the universe is constantly influencing every other thing. Nothing exists in isolation.
It is everyone’s responsibility to behave in such a way that one’s behaviour produces a life-supporting influence for all.
Development of the tender qualities of life are the prerequisite to life-supporting behaviour.
That is why ideal behaviour requires the development of higher states of consciousness through the development of Pure Consciousness, which is easily achieved through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.
Statistical meta-analysis of all available research (42 independent outcomes) indicated that the effect of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme on increasing self-actualization is much greater than that of other forms of meditation or relaxation. Self-actualization refers to realizing more of one’s inner potential, expressed in every area of life: integration and stability of personality, self-regard, emotional maturity, capacity for warm interpersonal relationships, and adaptive response to challenges. Reference: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 6(5) (1991): 189–248.
Subjects practising the Transcendental Meditation Programme, measured once prior to beginning the technique and again two months later, showed significant positive improvements in personality traits, including spontaneity, self-regard, and self-acceptance, when compared to a matched control group. Reference: Journal of Counseling Psychology 20 (1973): 565–566; and 19 (1972): 184–187; Perceptual and Motor Skills 39 (1974): 623–628.
Those practising the Transcendental Meditation Programme, and those practising the TM-Sidhi Programme, showed higher—more principled—levels of moral reasoning on a standardized test in comparison to those who had not yet learnt the Transcendental Meditation Programme. Reference: ‘Kohlberg Stage 7, Natural Law, and the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme’. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Moral Education, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 3 September 1982; Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme—Collected Papers, Volume 3 (1990): 2034–2037.
In two companies that introduced Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme, managers and employees who regularly practised Transcendental Meditation for two months improved significantly on efficiency and productivity, job satisfaction, and personal relationships, in comparison to control subjects with similar jobs in these companies. Reference: Academy of Management Journal 17 (1974): 362–368.
University students who were practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique reported higher levels of respect for traditional cultural and religious values in comparison to non-meditating students at two control universities. These students practising Transcendental Meditation also showed higher levels of orientation towards scientific thinking. Reference: Dissertation Abstracts International 38(2) (1977): 649A.
Subjects who practise Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme show significant reductions in all categories of substance abuse as compared to controls. Reference: International Journal of the Addictions 12(6) (1977): 729–754, and 26(3) (1991): 293–325.