With so many benefits, the greatness of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation cannot be overstated, but the most delightful thing about Transcendental Meditation is that it is not difficult at all to practise; it is very, very easy.
The reason it is so easy is because it is so completely natural.
A person needs only one ability in order to learn the Transcendental Meditation Technique—the ability to think a thought.
Anyone who can think a thought can begin to experience finer and finer levels of thinking, until he experiences the source of thought, the field of pure Creative Intelligence.
All we need to do is to learn to take the correct angle to dive within, and diving will be automatic due to the natural tendency of the mind to move to a field of greater happiness.
To ensure the effectiveness of the technique, Transcendental Meditation is only taught by qualified teachers who have had many years of experience in the Transcendental Meditation Technique and who have been trained personally by Maharishi in intensive teacher training courses.
Maharishi has laid out a seven-step programme for teaching Transcendental Meditation:
Step 1:
First lecture, which gives a vision of possibilities for personal development through the Transcendental Meditation Programme.Step 2:
Second lecture, which explains more about the mechanics, uniqueness, and origin of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
Step 3:
Private Interview in which the teacher becomes acquainted with those about to start the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
Steps 4–7:
Instructions in the actual practice itself. These are always taken on four consecutive days, involving about one hour each day.On the first day, one sits with the teacher for personal and private instruction.
Then one comes back on each of the following three days for verification of experience and additional instructions, which are only meaningful in the light of each day’s practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
This seven-step programme is sufficient to establish everyone in the correct understanding and practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
After this, one only needs about 15 to 20 minutes of the Transcendental Meditation Technique in the morning and evening.
Periodic verification of experience is encouraged to ensure that maximum results are being gained at all times.
Although it only takes a few days to actually learn the technique, the programme continues, offering the opportunity to enjoy group meetings and advanced lectures for those who wish to take advantage of them.
Maharishi invites you to become teachers of this wonderful knowledge of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme, so that it may be easily available to all those in your locality, and everyone can soon enjoy life according to Natural Law.