Founder Message maharishi-india
India has to rise to its full potential as Veda Bhumi Bharat

Photo Gallery - Celebration

  • MVM Shahdol : Annual Day celebration at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Shahdol.
  • Maharshi Vidya Mandir Shahdol celebrated Annual Function on 23rd December in Grand way.
  • MVM HARIDWAR : महर्षि विद्या मंदिर के प्रांगण में शनिवार 03/12 /2022 के दिन गीता जयंती समारोह मनाया गया। समारोह का प्रारंभ सर्वप्रथम गुरु परंपरा पूजन द्वारा किया गया तत्पश्चात प्राणायाम व भावातीत ध्यान किया गया ।भावातीत ध्यान के उपरांत विद्यालय के संगीत शिक्षक श्री शशि शेखर जी के निर्देशन में छात्रों द्वारा गीता के श्लोकों का पाठ किया गया । पाठ के साथ-साथ श्लोकों का भावार्थ भी छात्र - छात्राओं को बताया गया ।इस अवसर पर छात्रों द्वारा भाषण भी दिए गए।कार्यक्रम के अंत में प्रधानाचार्य महोदय श्री राजीव त्यागी जी ने कहा कि गीता जयंती के अवसर पर श्लोकों का पाठ कराने का उद्देश्य छात्र-छात्राओं में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का विकास करना तथा मानवता के कल्याण का संदेश देना है। जिससे विश्व में शांति व समृद्धि स्थापित हो। अंत में प्रसाद वितरण के साथ समारोह संपन्न हुआ ।
  • Maharishi Schools' students performing in Maharishi National Cultural Celebration 2022
  • Maharishi Schools' students performing in Maharishi National Cultural Celebration 2022
  • MVM Jabalpur 6 : Photos of Dussehra celebration
  • MVM Chhatarpur 1 : Activity of World Tourism Day.
  • MVM Hyderabad: Sahasra Sheersha Devi Mandal  Foundation Day celebrated at MVM Hyderabad.
  • MVM Shahdol:  Maharishi Vidya Mandir Shahdol students won District Level Football Match - SUBROTO CUP by defeating all others in the Shahdol divison and qualified for the State Level Tournament
Under 17 group- In first round MVM won by 4-1
And in second round MVM won 8-0
 Under -14  MVM won by 3-0
  • MVM Fatehpur Principal Shri Pramod Tripathi with City C.O.  Sh.G. D. Mishraji flagged of Road safely rules campaign Launched by district Police.
  • MVM Guwahati 1: Celebration of Investiture Ceremony (2022-23)
  • MVM Guwahati 1: Celebration of Investiture Ceremony (2022-23)
  • MVM Guwahati 1: Celebration of Investiture Ceremony (2022-23)
  • एमवीएम कुरुक्षेत्र - मातृ दिवस समारोह।
  • एमवीएम कुरुक्षेत्र - मातृ दिवस समारोह
  • MVM Silchar: Rabindra Jayanti celebrated at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Silchar with great enthusiasm.
  • MVM Silchar: Rabindra Jayanti celebrated at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Silchar with great enthusiasm.
  • MVM HISSAR : महर्षि विद्या मन्दिर सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल हिसार में मनाया गया विश्व शांति दिवस समारोह।
  • MVM HISSAR : महर्षि विद्या मन्दिर सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल हिसार में मनाया गया विश्व शांति दिवस समारोह।
  • MVM Narmada Road, Jabalpur organises Summer Camp 2022.
Grand Opening Ceremony Summer Camp organised on 28th April 22 at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Narmada Road, Jabalpur. 
Popular ZeeTV  &  Star plus Singing Star Ku Ratnika Shrivastav was the special attraction to the ceremony. 
Skipping show of the young girls representing National games & Demo instrumental performance of guitarist & synthesizer player was spell bounding. 
Coaches of Dance free style & classical, Coding, Drawing-painting,  Skating,  Volleyball, Table-Tennis, Spoken English, T. M. & Yoga were greeted with flowers by the principal of the school Mrs Mamta Bhattacharjee. 
Summer camp will be conducted under the incharge ship of Mrs Varsha Bhor.
  • MVM Narmada Road, Jabalpur organises Summer Camp 2022.
Grand Opening Ceremony Summer Camp organised on 28th April 22 at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Narmada Road, Jabalpur. 
Popular ZeeTV  &  Star plus Singing Star Ku Ratnika Shrivastav was the special attraction to the ceremony. 
Skipping show of the young girls representing National games & Demo instrumental performance of guitarist & synthesizer player was spell bounding. 
Coaches of Dance free style & classical, Coding, Drawing-painting,  Skating,  Volleyball, Table-Tennis, Spoken English, T. M. & Yoga were greeted with flowers by the principal of the school Mrs Mamta Bhattacharjee. 
Summer camp will be conducted under the incharge ship of Mrs Varsha Bhor.
  • MVM Narmada Road, Jabalpur organises Summer Camp 2022.
Grand Opening Ceremony Summer Camp organised on 28th April 22 at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Narmada Road, Jabalpur. 
Popular ZeeTV  &  Star plus Singing Star Ku Ratnika Shrivastav was the special attraction to the ceremony. 
Skipping show of the young girls representing National games & Demo instrumental performance of guitarist & synthesizer player was spell bounding. 
Coaches of Dance free style & classical, Coding, Drawing-painting,  Skating,  Volleyball, Table-Tennis, Spoken English, T. M. & Yoga were greeted with flowers by the principal of the school Mrs Mamta Bhattacharjee. 
Summer camp will be conducted under the incharge ship of Mrs Varsha Bhor.
  • Maharishi Vidya Mandir Naini Prayagraj Farewell.
  • Maharishi Vidya Mandir Naini Prayagraj Farewell.
  • Brahmachari Girish Ji is performing Maha Aarti in Gurudev Brahmanand Saraswati Ashram Bhopal on the occasion of completion of Navaratra Sahasrachandi Maha Yagya.
  • Pujya Brahmachari Girish Ji is performing Maha Aarti in Gurudev Brahmanand Saraswati Ashram Bhopal on the occasion of completion of Navaratra Sahasrachandi Maha Yagya.
  • Vedic pundits blessing Brahmachari Girish Ji with Devi Chunari as Prasad.
  • Vedic Pundits giving Prasad to Pujya Brahmachari Girish Ji
  • MVM Fatehpur celebrated Golden Victory Year of 1971 war & Amrit Mahotsav. Army Central Command Lucknow under the command of Brigadier Sh. A. K. Mohala organised many activities at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Fatehpur. Freedom fighters were honoured, students competition, cycle rally, medical camp. It's first celebration in Fatehpur. Army officers lauded MVM Fatehpur's effort in nation building.
  • MVM Fatehpur celebrated Golden Victory Year of 1971 war & Amrit Mahotsav. Army Central Command Lucknow under the command of Brigadier Sh. A. K. Mohala organised many activities at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Fatehpur. Freedom fighters were honoured, students competition, cycle rally, medical camp. It's first celebration in Fatehpur. Army officers lauded MVM Fatehpur's effort in nation building.
  • MVM Fatehpur celebrated Golden Victory Year of 1971 war & Amrit Mahotsav. Army Central Command Lucknow under the command of Brigadier Sh. A. K. Mohala organised many activities at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Fatehpur. Freedom fighters were honoured, students competition, cycle rally, medical camp. It's first celebration in Fatehpur. Army officers lauded MVM Fatehpur's effort in nation building.
  • MVM Fatehpur celebrated Golden Victory Year of 1971 war & Amrit Mahotsav. Army Central Command Lucknow under the command of Brigadier Sh. A. K. Mohala organised many activities at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Fatehpur. Freedom fighters were honoured, students competition, cycle rally, medical camp. It's first celebration in Fatehpur. Army officers lauded MVM Fatehpur's effort in nation building.
  • महर्षि विद्या मंदिर फतेहपुर में ऑनलाइन निबंध और पेंटिंग प्रतियोगिता में  विद्यालय के छात्र प्रगति सिंह ने निबंध में और  यशवनी सिंह पेंटिंग में प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त किए।
  • महर्षि विद्या मंदिर फतेहपुर में ऑनलाइन निबंध और पेंटिंग प्रतियोगिता में  विद्यालय के छात्र प्रगति सिंह ने निबंध में और  यशवनी सिंह पेंटिंग में प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त किए।
  • MVM-Fatehpur virtually celebrated Akshay Tritiya
  • जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षण को भारतीय शाश्वत वैदिक ज्ञान विज्ञान, योग, भावातीत ध्यान, यज्ञ जैसी जीवनपरक विद्यायों से आलोकित करके जीवन के परम लक्ष्य का मार्ग प्रदर्शित करने वाले हमारे परम् आराध्य परमपूज्य महर्षि महेश योगी जी की तेरहवीं पुण्यतिथि के अवसर पर उनके श्रीचरणों में कोटि कोटि नमन व उनके कार्यों को पूर्ण करने की प्रतिज्ञा के साथ ही शेष जीवन के समर्पण का पुनः संकल्प अर्पित है। जय गुरु देव, जय महर्षि, ब्रह्मचारी गिरीश
  • Brahmachari Girish Ji has hoisted Indian National Flag at Guru Dev Brahmanand Saraswati Ashram Bhopal with Vedic Acharyas and Scholars
  • Harshita Bhattacharya, a student of Maharishi Vidya Mandir IV Guwahati was felicitated by the Chief Minister of Assam Sri Sarbananda Sonowal for her extraordinary achievement in the field of singing.
She had bagged Third position in the National Level singing competition 'Love Me India ' hoisted by &TV. She has made her debut as a playback singer in the Assamese Cinema 'Ratnaker' where she sang a duet with famous singer Zubin Garg. She is a student of only class 3 and has far to go.


 Mahashivratri 2025  Vedic International Court  Mahakumbh at Prayagraj 2025  Maharshi Ji's 108th Birthday Celebration  Annual Sports & Cultural Day Celebrations  Madhya Pradesh Pratishtha Ratna  Global Business and Education Summit  Maharudrabhishek  Guru Purnima Celebration 2024  World Environment Day  Vasant Panchami  Ramlala Pran Prtisthan Utsav  Deepawali Celebration  The International Day of Peace  Brahmachari Girish Ji  Independence Day Celebration 2023   The investiture ceremony  Guru Purnima Celebration 2023  Hon'ble Chairman Ji Got blessings of Shankaracharya Maharaj Ji  Republic Day Celebration 2023  Gurudev Brahammanand Sarswati 150th Birthday Celebration  Shri Maha Lakshmi Pujan  Gauvardhan Diwas  Birthday Celebration of Chairman Brahmachari Girish Ji  Shri Krishna Janamashtami Celebration 2022  Independence Day Celebration 2022  Achievements  Hariyali Teej Celebration 2022  Maharudrabhishek Yagya  MVM School Result 2022  Guru Purnima Celebration 2022  International Yoga Day  Sunder Kaand Path  World Environment Day Celebration  Maharishi Vedic Science Introduction Programme  International Mother's Day Celebration  Akshaya Tritiya Celebration 2022  Celebrating the Life of Anand Shrivastava Ji  World Environment Day 2022  Swachhta Abhiyaan  Maharishi Gaushala and Training Centre Inauguration.  Mahashivratri Celebration 2022  Basant Panchami Celebration 2022  Republic Day Celebration 2022  Gyan Yug Diwas Celebration  Ayurvedic Camp  National Tournament  Van Mela Bhopal  Amrit Mahotsav-2021  Maharishi National Cultural Celebration  Flag Hoisting On The Occasion Of Dussehra  State Shooting Championship - 2021  Health camp  Gandhi Jayanti Celebration 2021  Pujya Brahmachari Girish Ji visits  Maharishi Regional Cultural Celebration 2021  Maharishi World Peace Day celebration 2021  Hindi Diwas Celebration 2021  Shri Krishna Janamashtami Celebration 2021  Independence Day Celebration 2021  Hariyali Teej Celebration 2021  MVM School Resul 2021  Guru Purnima Celebration 2021  International Yoga Day Celebration 2021  World Environment Day 2021  Basant Panchami Celebration 2021  Republic Day Celebration 2021  Gyan Yug Diwas Celebration 2021  150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Brahmanand Saraswati 2020  Dev Utthani Ekadashi Celebration  Deepawali Celebration 2020  Women's Empowerment 2020  Birthday celebration of Chairman Brahmachari Girish Ji 2020  Shri Krishna Janamashtami Celebration 2020  Independence Day Celebration 2020  Shri Guru Purnima Celebration 2020  Hon'ble Chairman Ji Visited MVM School Group  Investiture Ceremony  Basant Panchami Celebration 2020  Republic Day Celebration 2020  Gyan Yug Diwas Celebration 2020  Bharat Shiksha Ratna Award  Children Day Celebration  Principals Conference  Maharishi National Cultural Celebration 2019  Orientation Programme for MBA and MCA  Francise India Award 2019  Brahmachari Girish Ji meets Astha TV CEO  CBSE Workshop 2019  Navaratri Celebration & Garba Celebration 2019  Gandhi Jayanti Celebration 2019  Nav Dunia Gyanodaya Award 2019  World Cleanliness Day Celebration 2019  Maharishi World Peace Day celebrated  Celebration  Teacher's Day Celebration  Birthday celebration of Chairman Brahmachari Girish Ji 2019  Release of Postage Stamp on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji  Shri Krishna Janmasthmi  Hariyali Teej Celebrated  Rudrabhishek  Guru Purnima Celebration 2019  Tree Plantation  International Yoga Day Celebration 2019  World Environment Day  International Conference and Seminar  Job Fair  MVVIP-2019  Maharishi Institute of Skill Development and Training  Akshaya Tritiya 2019  World Peace Assembly  International Women's Day 2019  Maharishi Gyan Yug Diwas - 2019  New year Celebration